As a non-profit we rely heavily on your donations to accomplish our mission. As such we are flexible in our giving options to allow you to choose the option that best suits you.
This is a one-time or adhoc monetary donation. You give when you feel the urge to.
A commitment to donate a specific amount at specified intervals e.g. $100 monthly.
The option to set aside an investment whose yields will be used to further our mission as directed by you.
The opportunity to name us a beneficiary in your financial and estate planning.
To donate stocks, bonds, mutual funds or other forms of investments to us.
Non-cash donations such as your time, office supplies and equipment etc.
You my choose to donate an amount in relation to what we have gained through fundraising or monthly giving. e.g. 100% match of our proceeds from a lap-a-thon etc.
An organization partners with us and encourages its employees to make contributions to us via payroll deduction.
Donations made during a fund raising or other event hosted by HfoH or by you.
The donation of real estate, vehicle or other tangible property to HfoH.
Donate to us in the name of a loved one.
All Donations are Tax Deductible.
We welcome your support and truly appreciate you taking the initiative to offer your time to assist us. We will respond to you promptly and looking for to a mutually rewarding relationship.
Thank you.
Add your name to our mailing list so we can keep you updated about upcoming events, specialty drives, new initiatives and more.
Thank you for contacting us.
We will get back to you as soon as possible
4907 N University Dr.
Suite 203
Lauderhill, FL 33351
Phone: 347-824-1779